At the WGC Oct 2023 general meeting, members got to learn the various biological integrated pest management practices from Leslie Wilbur. As gardeners we are always trying to strike a balance between our gardening practices & environment so the talk was very helpful to the members.
Hostesses April H & Kim B provided delicious snacks. Lovely fall themed flower arrangements were created by Bonnie B, Susan O, Theresa R for the patients at Ocoee Health Care Center.
WGC's Fall plant sale was held at the Windermere Farmer's Market on Oct 20th. Funds raised via this plant sale go towards student scholarships.
At the Oct 2023 District VII meeting, the presidents of each club were asked to make a flower decorated hat that they could model in celebration of the upcoming 100 year anniversary of the FFGC. WGC President, Vicki Hearst won the challenge. She used the plant material from her garden to create this floral hat.
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