WGC May 2023 general meeting included the following programs: installation of officers for next calendar year & a potluck lunch.
Angela Withers oversaw the installation of club officers & provided wonderful gifts.

New officers, L to R: April Harris, Betty Jones, Margaret Scoleri, Ceme Curley, Arjuna Dusherla, Vicki Hearst with Angela Withers
President Vicki Hearst thanked the outgoing officers Leslie Brabec(recording secretary), Dorie Barcus(Summer Luncheon Chairperson), Bonnie Baum(Hospitality Chairperson) & Angela Withers.
After the club business was discussed, members enjoyed a potluck lunch & socialized.
WGC's semi-annual plant sale took place on May 19th. Proceeds from the plant sale go towards the funding of scholarships.