Our hostess were Paula R. and Carolin W. with some wonderful snacks and a beautiful centerpiece.
The program was a mock horticultural show/contest. Our club will be having a horticultural show in Nov. to celebrate our club's 60th year as a Florida Federation of Garden Club (FFGC) federated club. There were many members who brought some wonderful plants and clippings and it was very informative.
Some of the entries at our "mock" horticultural show.
Maureen T. and Joan P. explaining how to enter a horticultural show and how to improve your chances of winning.
President Bonnie B. presented the two FFGC awards that our club won this year.
Decoration of Historical Buildings (Historic Preservation Award) was presented to Holiday Decorations Co-Chairman Carolin W. It was specifically awarded for the decoration of Windermere Town Hall for Christmas 2017. Not shown is co-chairman Vicki H.
Also, The Outstanding Service award for an individual who continuously sustains and develops any phase of garden club work was presented to Corresponding Jackie R. Only one person in the entire state of Florida wins this award every year. Jackie has helped develop and continues to work as a co-chairman or chairman on the elementary school gardens, old schoolhouse garden, and annual arbor day tree planting.
Left to Right: President Bonnie B., Corresponding Sec. Jackie R. and Carolin W.