L to R: Hostesses Maggie K. and Hostess Chairman Carolyn B.
Some of the yummy refreshements provided by our hostesses Carolyn B. and Maggie K.
Floral design provided by Hostess Maggie K. The white gardenias are from Maggie's yard.
Also we had a "white elephant" sale. Thank you to our chairman Dayle B. for her hard work and to everyone who donated items and all the shoppers.
"White Elephant" Sale Chairman Dayle B.
Our program was Garden Club Member Vicki H. speaking on growing sprouts and microgreens. She had many hints on growing these super food in your own home just as she does at her home. No outdoor gardening and harvest in days or weeks. We all tasted many samples and took home seeds to try it out on our own. Thank you, Vicki.
Member Vicki H. was our speaker
L to R: Community Gardens Co-Chairman Vicki H. and Garden Club Member Brandi H.